Mickey mouse
JoinedPosts by Mickey mouse
I made it!! I'm just so freaking happy!!!
by Rocky_Girl inas some of you know, i started college 5 years ago for the first time at age 27. i had been out of the "truth" for 9 years at that time, but had just broken free of the mentality.
well, on saturday i walked across the stage with the 130th graduating class at rocky mountain college!.
after 5 years of working several jobs, taking care of two little boys as a single mom, and trying to get the most out of my college experience, i earned my master of accountancy, bachelor of science in business management, and minors in writing and organizational leadership.
Did You Believe The Demons Might Contact You?
by minimus inmy dear mother and aunt were always worrying about those pesky demons and their father, the devil.. did you obsess over the deminz??
Mickey mouse
Yes, I thought they were going to infest my computer when I first came on this site.
Did you hear about the Bro. who was making $75K a year placing WT lit?
by Glander inneither did i..
Mickey mouse
Let me guess...his name was Andre?
very bad "JW" teenagers to "very good" JW's
by Iamallcool indo you know of any "jw" teenagers that were very bad in morals, but later in life they become elders, elderettes, etc...?
what were they like?
what are they like today?.
Mickey mouse
Yes, a very self righteous elder who was a wild child in his teens. He kept his own children on a tight rein.
I Miss Awakened at Gilead too
by wallsofjericho inlance?.
you doing alright bro?
we miss you around here.
Mickey mouse
Thanks for the update A@G, it's great to hear how much you have moved on.
G-spot discovered
by Vidqun ina doctor claims he has dissected the g-spot, proving that it exists.
this is an area of female anatomy that has always fascinated me.
being a student of anatomy (really), i made a study of it.. first of all, i'll relate an interesting anecdote in connection with a medical article, dealing with the subject.
Mickey mouse
Surprisingly, according to most sexologists, the jury seems to be out on the G-spot.
Not the female ones I bet.
Regional Building Committes information (RBC)
by wannaexit ini recently heard that the rbc has its own charity designation and that when a congregation asks this group to come and renovate the congregation forfeits the deed.. does anybody have any information on the rbc- .
i am trying to get a better picture.
thanks in advance.
ICSA Workshop for JWs in Philidelphia 12th May 2012
by nugget ini've posted this on another thread but as this may be of interest it is listed on the icsa website so has all links for booking etc.. .
special event: jehovahs witnesses, former members and families may 12, 2012 philadelphia, pa. questions to explore attendees and facilitators will explore questions that are often central to the concerns of former members of cultic groups and families/friends troubled about a loved ones group involvement:.
about icsa exploring a psychological perspective.
Mickey mouse
Yes, we need to get one specific to JWs in the UK! Mind you, I enjoyed meeting people from other groups too.
ICSA Workshop for JWs in Philidelphia 12th May 2012
by nugget ini've posted this on another thread but as this may be of interest it is listed on the icsa website so has all links for booking etc.. .
special event: jehovahs witnesses, former members and families may 12, 2012 philadelphia, pa. questions to explore attendees and facilitators will explore questions that are often central to the concerns of former members of cultic groups and families/friends troubled about a loved ones group involvement:.
about icsa exploring a psychological perspective.
Mickey mouse
Looks good.
Report back from the International Cult Studies Association event in London
by nugget inthe icsa event in london was a day well spent although a little emotionally draining.
the event was well represented by ex jws who formed the biggest group there with representatives from both the uk and europe.
other cults discussed during the day were, exclusive bretheren, christian scientists, therapy cults, mystic cults, born again christian cults and some extremely scary mind control groups.
Mickey mouse
Hi Randy,
The ICSA mailed that out to us prior to the event, it's an excellent read.